Some of the candidates have not been able to log in to our online system and view the admission and waiting lists because of heavy overload on the online graduate application and registration system. Therefore, admission and waiting lists have been announced at our website. Please click here to access the admission and waiting lists.
Note: The places of our candidates on the admission and waiting lists of the graduate programs have been automatically determined by the online system as a result of the final scores from the general evaluation procedures.
Online document upload perocedure for registration have begun for the admission list candidates and will end on September 7th, 2021, at 12.00 o'clock. The candidates on the admission lists must complete, until the above deadline, uploading their documents for registration after carefully reading through the information leaflet on online registration, document upload procedures, and tuition fee payments, which is provided at the link below. The registrations of the admission list candidates will be made until the deadlines on the academic calendars after the Graduate School has made sure that all the documents uploaded by the candidates are accurate, authentic and thorough.
Please click here afor the detailed information regarding 2021-2022 Fall Smester Graduate Programs ONLINE document upload, registration and tuition fees and points to consider during those procedures.
2021-2022 Fall Semester online document upload and registration calendars: Graduate Programs with Thesis - Non-Thesis MSc. Programs
Note: By decision of the Graduate Scool of Science and Engineering Executive Board, there have been some increases in the student quotas of the following programs according to the clause 6 of article 6 of Yildiz Technical University Senate Code of Practice on Graduate Education Regulations.
- Department of Architecture Structure Ph.D. Program National Student Area Quota
- Department of Architecture History and Theory of Architecture Ph.D. Program National Student Area Quota
- Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering Communications Integrated Ph.D. Program National Student Area Quota
- Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering Communications Ph.D. Program International Student Area Quota
- Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics Molecular Biology and Genetics Integrated Ph.D. Program National Student Area Quota
- Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering MSc. Program National Student Area Quota
- Department of Computer Engineering Computer Engineering Integrated Ph.D. Program National Student Area Quota
Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi
Lisansüstü Eğitim ve Öğretim Yönetmeliği
Senato Esasları
Öğrenci Kontenjanlarının Belirlenmesi
Madde 6- (6) Değerlendirme aşamasında lisansüstü kontenjanlar aday değerlendirme jürisinin önerisi, anabilim/anasanat dalı başkanlığı görüşü ve ilgili EYK kararı ile arttırılabilir.