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International Candidates Who Received Letter of Acceptance from YTU Faculty Members

Legal Ground: University Senate decision, No: 2022/01; Date: 01.02.2022


The international candidates who have received a letter of acceptance from a Faculty Member of our university for a graduate program offered by our Graduate School will be able to qualify for registration regardless of quota and entrance examination without the requirements of foreign language, ALES/GRE and TÖMER certificates based on the view of the department head and Graduate School Board of Management. The international candidates who are interested in registering for a graduate program with a signed letter of acceptance must submit their application file consisting of the following list of documents firstly to the relevant Department Head's Office and then to the Graduate School (room A2017) by 18.09.2024, 15:00. 


Required Documents:

  1. Letter of Acceptance: signed by YTU faculty member who will be the supervisor. Please click here to download the sample.
  2. Diploma: Apostilled diploma/graduation certificate of the previous degrees.
  3. Transcript of Records: Apostilled transcript of records of the previous degrees.
  4. Passport copy: The original must be presented.
  5. 1 photo
  6. University Recognition Certificate: to be obtained from YÖK (Higher Education Council of Turkey) confirming that the foreign universities that the student candidate graduated before is recognized. 
  7. Registration Form: Please click here to download.


 NOTE: Candidates who submit their documents to the Department, must also present the original documents to the Graduate School by the following deadline:18.09.2024, 15:00.