ANNNOUNCEMENTS All Announcements
2019-2020 Academic Year Spring Semester Distance Education Activities Commence

Dear Students,


As you know, our universities paused all educational and instructional activities like other educational levels in line with the decisions taken by our government on March 12th, 2020. Following this, this pause was ceased as of March 23rd, 2020 in order for the continuance of the educational and instructional activities and for the unity of implemantation and distance and online education commenced.


For this context, all MSc. and Ph.D. courses under our graduate school started to be carried out online in line with the weekly course schedules of the departments and programs through the Learning Management System (, which is the distance education system of our university as of March 23rd, 2020 (This applies to all of the theoretical parts of the distance education courses and the application parts which can be carried out online at the computers.).


Within the scope of distance education; as soon as possible, there will be a new announcement regarding the postponement of the Ph.D. Qualifying Oral Exams Exams, Ph.D. Thesis Proposal Exams, Graduate Thesis Defense Exams and Hard Bound Graduate Thesis Submissions after Thesis Defense Exams as of March, 13th, 2020.


Note: The students who want to activate or renew, if they do not remember them, their  passwords to their organizational e-mail addresses must simply send an email to by including "Adı ve Soyadı (Name and Surname)/Öğrenci Numarası (Student Number)/T.C. Kimlik Numarası (Identity Number/Kullanıcı Adı (Username)" information in the emal body and attaching the front side of their Identity Cards (Residency Permits and passports) or their student cards with the subject title "Öğrenci e-posta şifre sıfırlaması (Resetting of the student organizational email password)". If you haven't made a login attempt into your organizational student email account (especially MSc. and Ph.D. students) before, please go to and enter your email address as "username" and enter your GSIS account password by adding "!9" to it as the email account password. The username in your email address is the username you use to log in to your GSIS account. If this does not work, please send an email to the above address.


Kindly submitted for necessary action.